Not all mattresses are created equal. At Sealy, we are committed to delivering a sleep experience that goes beyond comfort, prioritising your health and well-being. To achieve this, we work together with the Orthopaedic Advisory Board (OAB), an independent group comprised of world-leading experts in spinal research, which sets us apart from other brands and guides our journey to becoming the world’s most trusted brand in sleep solutions.

The Birth of Sealy Posturepedic®

Back in the early 20th century, mattresses were primarily designed for comfort, but the concepts of support and firmness were largely overlooked. Sealy recognised this problem and conducted research with leading orthopaedic surgeons.

In the 1950s the ‘founding fathers of Posturepedic’ were Orthopaedic Surgeons Dr Robert G Addison and Dr Charles O Bechtol. Through years of dedicated research, they created the Posturepedic® Support Principle that the ideal alignment for the body at rest is the same as the alignment of the body when standing. A mattress is considered orthopaedically correct support when it supports your body in its natural position, assisting the body in relieving muscular tension.

This principle enabled Sealy engineers to fine-tune bedding technologies and mattress constructions to provide correct spinal alignment support, leading to the world’s first mattress approved by Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Dr Robert G Addison and Dr Charles O Bechtol HD
Left: Dr Robert G Addison; Right: Dr Charles O Bechtol

The OAB We Work With Today

The new OAB from the Queensland University of Technology Biomechanics and Spine Research Group (BSRG) was established to continue to build on Sealy’s rich orthopaedic heritage. The group consists of prominent orthopaedic surgeons, biomedical engineers, and research support staff that focus on developments and innovations that help contribute to consumers’ orthopaedic health and provide more restful and recuperative sleep, ensuring that every Sealy owner will be well cared for even while they sleep.

Leaders in Orthopaedic Science


Geoff Askin


Dr. Askin has been an international leader in spinal surgery for over 30 years. He is a pioneer for new surgical techniques to correct spinal deformity.


Robert Labrom


A practicing orthopaedic surgeon for 20 years, Dr. Labrom has contributed key understandings towards the development of the human spine.


Mark Pearcy


Professor Pearcy has 40 years of biomechanical research experience, focusing on movement and how we can be supported by artificial joints and implants.


Paige Little


Assoc. Prof. Little is a global leader in the field of sleep spinal alignment, combining modelling and imaging techniques to understand internal spinal movement.


Daniel Green


A mechanical engineer and the head of Sealy R&D, Mr. Green has been pivotal in advancing knowledge and measurement techniques in sleep spinal alignment.

Establish The Posturepedic® Fundamentals

Sealy’s work with the OAB has helped us establish two key pillars of knowledge: the Posturepedic® Principle and our Posturepedic® Support Criteria.

The Posturepedic® Principle

The ideal sleeping position for our body is the same as when we are standing. When the mattress is orthopaedically supporting the body in this alignment, it helps to prevent backaches and related pain. This drives the fundamental aspects of a Posturepedic® mattress. The OAB’s ongoing research gives us insight into the movement of the spine and how alignment changes impact the quality of our sleep.

Posturepedic® Support Criteria

This criteria defines the ideal range of movement for sleepers on their back and sides. The criteria is designed to eliminate misalignment, improve sleep and reduce backache. The OAB collaboration helps us to improve our knowledge and testing capabilities in this criteria.

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Helping You Sleep Better with Relentless Innovation in R&D

Innovation remains the cornerstone of Sealy’s philosophy. At our cutting-edge research facilities, we continuously refine our designs to meet the evolving needs of our customers. We developed our newest SAMs (spinal alignment mannequins) to assist in measuring the support characteristics of different surfaces and mattresses while assessing how they perform against our Posturepedic® Support Criteria.

Used for testing in our world-leading R&D centres, SAMs are designed and calibrated to move and respond to every mattress in the same manner as our human body would. After undergoing rigorous testing, SAM allows us to gain a greater understanding of how the human body interacts with a mattress for better restful sleep. Want to know more? See how we test our mattresses here.

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The Proof Is In Your Mattress

At Sealy, we strive for perfection, and to do that, we have to validate that absolutely everything that makes a mattress — the panel fabrics, the handles, the comfort layers and the springs —meets our standards. The testing not only ensures the end-users get the best possible quality mattress, but it also helps debunk the myriad of myths that abound in the industry.

That’s why we don’t just design mattresses based on trends or aesthetics—we collaborate with the OAB to ensure that every Sealy Posturepedic® mattress has genuine research behind the design, tested to last. Unlike other brands, our mattresses are backed by science and research to provide the right balance of support and comfort.

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What we believe with Sealy Posturepedic is that every part of the mattress has its own role: comfort in the foam, support in the springs, durable edge support, and assurance of durable quality product overall. When you choose Sealy, you’re not just buying a mattress—you’re investing in your health and well-being. That’s what makes Sealy Posturepedic® different and better. Genuine support, true comfort and dependable durability you can depend on night after night, year after restful year.

Discover the Sealy Posturepedic difference today. Visit your nearest Sealy Sleep Boutique or book an appointment with our sleep expert to find the perfect mattress that meets your needs.